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Not Seeing Results Despite The Caloric Deficit? Here's Why

Hello Beautiful Souls

Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both empowering and challenging. If you're diligently tracking your calories but the scale refuses to budge, don't fret. Let's troubleshoot together and uncover the potential roadblocks standing between you and your goals.

Section 1: Are You Truly in a Caloric Deficit?

1. Underestimating Caloric Intake:

  • It happens to the best of us! Misjudging portions or forgetting that extra handful of almonds can sneakily add up. Double-check your tracking accuracy to ensure you're accounting for every bite.

2. Inconsistent Tracking:

  • Weekends and social gatherings might be sabotaging your progress. Fear not, social butterflies! Instead of stressing over tracking every bite at events, strategize. Keep your carbs and fats on the lower side earlier in the day, granting you more flexibility for that dinner party. When in doubt, round up your estimates, ensuring you're still in the ballpark of your caloric goals. Consistency is key, but a bit of flexibility won't hurt your progress. Cheers to enjoying life while on this beautiful journey!

3. Liquid Calories:

  • Drinks matter too! Those seemingly innocent beverages can pack a calorie punch. Don't forget to log that sweetened coffee or weekend cocktail.

4. Not Adjusting for Changes:

  • Your body is a marvel, and it adapts. If you've shed some weight, your caloric needs may have changed. Adjust your intake to match your new, fabulous self.

5. Mindless Snacking:

  • The nibbles count! Be mindful of those seemingly harmless snacks; they might be sneaking in more calories than you realize.


Section 2: When Tracking Is Spot On, But Fat Loss Stalls:

1. Metabolic Adaptation:

  • Your body might be playing hard to get. If weight loss has plateaued, consider introducing refeed days or altering your caloric intake to kickstart your metabolism.

2. Inadequate Protein Intake:

  • Protein is your BFF! Ensure you're getting enough to preserve those precious muscles and keep that metabolism buzzing.

3. Lack of Resistance Training:

  • Cardio is great, but muscles matter too. Incorporate resistance training to maintain that lean muscle mass for a healthier, more efficient metabolism.

4. Sleep and Stress:

  • Life can get hectic, affecting your sleep and stress levels. Prioritize self-care to keep those hormones in check and support your fat loss journey.

5. Hidden Factors:

  • Sometimes, it's not you; it's your body. Consult a professional to rule out medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, or medication side effects that may be playing a part.



Beautiful souls, remember, progress is a journey, not a destination. If you find yourself at a crossroads, don't hesitate to seek support. Whether it's adjusting your routine, consulting a professional, or simply being kinder to yourself, your path to wellness is uniquely yours.

XOXO Julieth !


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